About Us
From every wound there is a scar, and every scar tells a story.
​A story that says "I survived"

The Love Hope & Gratitude Foundation was founded in 2015 by our founder Glyn Scott. Click here to learn more about Glyn Scott.
The Love, Hope & Gratitude Foundation is the culmination of Glyn's determination and compassion for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and homelessness.
The Foundation was created out of need and a passion by our founder to see a better life and future for those affected and seeks to help victims in a variety of ways through counselling, advocacy and refuge accommodation for adults, children and pets.
Our Responsibility
As a community we believe we all have a responsibility to create an environment where all people feel safe.
A place where violence is not an acceptable means of expression and a life of fear is not endured by anyone.
Through the founder's own difficult journey and painful experiences, her compassion and spirit has grown stronger.
Her resolve and determination to make a difference is unwavering.
The challenges of poverty, substance abuse and inequality all play their part in creating an unstable society.
Victims of domestic violence are often let down by institutions that are supposed to protect and nurture those who need it most. The time for that to change is now.
The foundation calls upon the government, our community leaders, elders and interested parties to join us and help create a safe environment for all, because it is our responsibility.
If We want it, We can create it!
Our Aim
To provide appropriate shelter, comfort and support for people and animals, requiring a safe haven, from abuse, abandonment or hardship.
Firstly, we want to build a self supporting, secure shelter for women and children escaping from domestic violence and abuse. Currently there is a serious shortfall of truly suitable accommodation and the purpose built nature of which we are proposing to construct.
Secondly, there is a considerable lack of accessible accommodation for homeless people both young and old, within our cities and our rural areas. This needs to be addressed urgently on a national level.
Unfortunately in situations of domestic violence pets are a common forgotten casualty. So we wish to build a suitable facility to house the pets of fleeing families, while their owners find permanent accommodation.
We are developing programs to aid behavioural change, in clubs, groups and organisations by supporting and encouraging the individual.
Our Mission
The Love, Hope & Gratitude Foundation is committed to ending abuse,
conflict and family violence and homelessness through the education & empowerment of all people and communities, irrespective of colour, creed, gender, age or social standing.
Our Philosophy
Since we are all about bringing about greater love, hope and gratitude, this is what it means to us.

Unconditional love means love without conditions: it has no demands, no limits, no requirements and no thoughts of reciprocation.
Unconditional love is not affected by reality or any behaviour and is free of oaths and contracts, anticipation, expectation and attachments.
Unconditional love is impervious to approval or disapproval, it does not need to be coddled or pampered in order to flow.
It is the art of doing nothing and being everything. Unconditional love never fades, whether you do right or wrong, you’re always in my heart to love completely
with no conditions or circumstances.

Hope is the optimistic attitude of the mind and heart. An expectation of positive outcomes, of events and circumstances in one’s life or the world around us.
Hope comes when crisis looms. When there is a great need, hope comes in an unusual way. It comes from the four areas of the self - cognitive, psychological, social or physical perspectives.
Hope instils optimism. Hopeful folk say - “I think I can, I know I can… Yes I can!” Based on a realistic sense of belief.
Hope is the existence of a goal and a determination to reach it.
A materialising force for change, believing that good will triumph over evil.

To express true gratitude is to never forget that showing appreciation is not the words we utter, but how we live by them. Being thankful for what we have. When one works through gratitude great things are achieved.
Gratitude is knowing how to be kind to one another. And the smallest act of gratitude and thanks is worth far more than the effort it takes to give it.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, creates a vision for tomorrow and opens our eyes to the limitless potential of the universe.